Sunday, December 26, 2010

Quitman 10 By Name, GBI, Attorney David Miller, and History of Brooks County In Race Relations....(Truth is the Truth)

December 21, 2010

TO:  The Real Patriots, Christians and Beyond…

Today citizens of South Georgia were awakened by what we will call the “HERE” The Brooks County 10 Great Arrest. 

We must remember that Brooks and Lowndes County Georgia is the home of the “Historical Week of Terror” that took place May 1918 wherein thirteen or more Black African Americas were killed with no one being brought before the Bar of Justice in the State of Georgia. 

The Black African Americas that were arrested on December 21, 2010 just four days from Christmas concerning the July election Absentee Ballot Problems wherein ten Black African Americans were arrested are named below: 

Angela Bryant.
April Proctor,
Elizabeth Thomas,
Kechia Harrison,
Latashia Head,
Linda Troutman,
Lula Smart,
Nancy Dennard,
Robert Dennard,
Sandra Cody,

Their arrest reminds me of May 5, 2005 when Valdosta City Mayor John Fretti, and Council arrested “The Valdosta 15 for addressing their public officials at a public meeting.  However NOT a single person arrested were interviewed or mentioned in the press outside of the crime report.  Therefore We must stand strong for right and NOT for unfair ruling handed down too often by South Georgia Judges in racial court cases.  Even they may be the controlling patriots and Christians of this dispensation. 

Today Georgia News Media Outlets headlines read; “Arrests Made in Books County Voter Fraud Investigation.”  (December 21, 2010, for more information contact:  SAC Steve Turner, GBI 229-225-4090)

The Brooks County 10 are like the Valdosta 15.  Arrested by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, Georgia State Patrol, Brooks County Sheriff’s Office and Quitman Police Department while local citizens watched in shock and Awe.  They were arrested on December 21, 2010, on warrants obtained by the GBI as follows:

1.  NANCY DENNARD, 50 years of age -Quitman – Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and three(3) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

2.  LATASHIA HEAD, 36 years of age -Quitman – Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and two(2) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

3.  LULA SMART, 49 years of age - Quitman - Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and three(3) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

4.  APRIL PROCTOR, 31 years of age – Quitman - Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and three(3) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

5.  KECHIA HARRISON, 38 years of age – Quitman - Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and three(3) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

6.  LINDA TROUTMAN, 57 years of age – Morven - Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and three(3) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

7.  ELIZABETH THOMAS, 52 years of age – Barwick Road, Quitman - Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and three(3) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

8.  SANDRA CODY, 47 years of age –Dixie - Two(2) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and one(31) count of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.

9.  ROBERT DENNARD, 37 years of age –Quitman - Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots.

10.  ANGELA BRYANT, 44 years of age – Quitman - Three(3) counts of Unlawful Possession of Ballots and two(2) counts of Violation of Procedure for Voting by Absentee Ballot.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation was requested by the Southern Judicial Circuit District Attorney David Miller of Valdosta.

Now review the video “A Chorus of Fear” and ask why NO investigation?

Retired United States Armed Forces Military Veteran
A concerned citizen and brother of humanity

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